Equity Loan/Debt

FINN Church Aid Investments

Posted 10 months ago


FCA Investments (FCAI) is an impact investor specialising in developing countries and fragile states. We seek to leverage the power of finance as a means to unlock opportunities for communities in areas of the world that are underserved by investing in SME’s while putting the social & environmental impact at the front and centre of our investment decisions. We are a 100% subsidiary of FCA, which is the largest Finnish international aid organization. FCAI seeks to build on the core competencies of FCA which has been in operation for 70 years and leverage these to ensure that the investments we make are not only sustainable but that they have a significant positive impact on the people in the countries we operate in. To do this FCAI has made a conscious decision to earmark its investments to those countries where there is already a presence of FCA in order to utilize the institutional knowledge and build on FCA’s record of accomplishment in these countries to maximise synergie

Investment Details

$100,000 - $1,000,000

Funding Procedure

To qualify for investment from FCAI, prospective investee companies need to demonstrate significant (potential) impact and be profitable with good growth potential. Key metrics include: A commitment to high standards of corporate governance and transparency in business dealings. Credible operative expertise within the sector, a sound business strategy, and a willingness to learn. High growth potential and a team that is deeply invested in the business both financially and time-wise Must have been in operation for a minimum of three (3) years and need financing of between USD 100,000 and USD 1,000,000 A commitment to comply with the FCAI’s social and environmental standards and tax policy.

Target Impact

Although not a pre-requisite, we are especially keen to fund SME’s where women, other disadvantaged sectors of the population, and youths play key roles.


Managing director Jukka-Pekka Kärkkäinen Emails in the format firstname.surname@kua.fi


Investment activities will be kicked off with two strategic fund-investments starting with an investment in C4D which is a fund started by ICCO in Asia.