PSFU hosts Private Public Policy Dialogue on the status of East African Community integration process on investment and job creation

July 16, 2022 0 Comments

The Private Sector Foundation Uganda (PSFU) in partnership with Mastercard Foundation and Young Africa Works Uganda on 19 April 2022 held a high level Private-public Policy dialogue on the status of the East African Community integration on investment and job creation to get young people’s outlook on the status of EAC and an overview on the future.

Under the theme ‘The Impact of the East African Community Integration on Investment and Job Creation’, the dialogue fronted solutions for consideration in the planning process for emerging opportunities, especially for young people in the EAC integration process.

“There are existing business opportunities that can be harnessed to support the growth of the economy and job creation. Presently in the ecosystem, companies and SMEs continue to be negatively affected by some market restriction which hinder their ability to expand and grow, and create both direct and indirect work opportunities to the youth in the value chains. Earlier in March 2022, a common paper was drafted and presented to the Head of State Summit to ensure that the private sector voice is heard by the presidents for effective decision-making,” said Mr. Stephen Asiimwe, CEO PSFU.

The Private Public Policy Dialogue was also meant to sensitize the public, especially SMEs and young people in business on existing and emerging opportunities in the EAC customs union to foster industrialization and growth of the private sector in Uganda. The event was attended by over 100 key members of the business community, young entrepreneurs, academia, the media and public officials to generate solutions aimed at addressing issues that are constraining the performance of the EAC and her implications of investment and creation for Ugandans.

Some of the next steps discussed were: to collate the proposals of the young entrepreneurs on the status of the EAC integration and its implications to their investments, jobs and the future perspective; to dialogue with government on the need to address the relevant restrictions to trade which affect investment and job creation; to agree on solutions which should be taken to plan for the emerging opportunities for the young people in the EAC integration process; and to sensitize the public and the Young Africa Works Uganda partners on the existing and emerging opportunities in the EAC customs union to foster industrialization and growth of the private sector in the region.