Uganda Launches EU Youth Sounding Board: Amplifying Youth Voices in Policy Making

September 5, 2023 0 Comments

In a significant move towards enhancing youth participation in governance and policy formulation, Uganda has launched the EU Youth Sounding Board. This innovative initiative, supported by the European Union (EU) Delegation to Uganda, aims to empower young people by providing them with a platform to actively engage in shaping policies that affect their lives and future.

The launch event, held in Kampala, brought together young leaders, government officials, civil society representatives, and EU stakeholders. Participants celebrated the establishment of the Youth Sounding Board as a milestone in promoting youth inclusion and amplifying their voices in decision-making processes.

Ambassador Jan Sadek, Head of the EU Delegation to Uganda, highlighted the importance of youth engagement in driving socio-economic development and fostering inclusive governance. He emphasized the EU’s commitment to supporting youth-led initiatives and creating opportunities for young people to contribute to Uganda’s development agenda.

The Youth Sounding Board is designed to serve as a consultative platform where young Ugandans can share their perspectives, propose solutions, and advocate for policies that address their priorities. It aims to bridge the gap between youth aspirations and policy implementation, ensuring that their voices are heard and their concerns addressed.

Key themes discussed during the launch included youth unemployment, education and skills development, gender equality, climate action, and social inclusion. Participants expressed optimism about the potential of the Youth Sounding Board to influence policies that promote youth empowerment and create a conducive environment for their active participation in society.

The EU’s support for the Youth Sounding Board reflects its commitment to promoting youth engagement, leadership, and civic participation globally. By investing in youth-led initiatives, the EU aims to harness the potential of young people as drivers of change and key stakeholders in achieving sustainable development goals.

Looking ahead, stakeholders emphasized the importance of sustained dialogue, capacity building, and mentorship to empower youth leaders and ensure the long-term success of the Youth Sounding Board. They called for continued collaboration between government, civil society, and international partners to maximize the impact of youth-driven initiatives in Uganda. The launch of the EU Youth Sounding Board marks a significant step towards building a more inclusive and participatory governance framework in Uganda. It reinforces the EU’s commitment to empowering young people and creating opportunities for them to contribute meaningfully to shaping their future and the future of their communities.