First-Ever Civil Society Convention Held in Uganda: Strengthening Democratic Participation and Human Rights

November 3, 2023 0 Comments

Uganda recently witnessed a historic milestone with the inaugural Civil Society Convention, a groundbreaking event aimed at fostering dialogue, promoting civic engagement, and advancing human rights across the nation. Organized by the European Union (EU) Delegation to Uganda and its partners, the convention marked a significant step towards empowering civil society organizations (CSOs) and enhancing their role in Uganda’s democratic landscape.

Held in Kampala, the convention brought together representatives from diverse civil society sectors, government officials, international organizations, and diplomatic missions. Participants engaged in discussions on a wide range of topics, including governance, transparency, human rights protection, and social justice.

Ambassador Jan Sadek, Head of the EU Delegation to Uganda, underscored the importance of civil society in promoting democracy and accountability. He emphasized the EU’s unwavering support for civil society actors and their crucial role in advocating for citizens’ rights, promoting good governance, and contributing to sustainable development.

The convention provided a platform for CSOs to share experiences, exchange best practices, and explore collaborative opportunities. Workshops and panel discussions focused on strengthening CSO capacity, enhancing advocacy skills, and fostering partnerships for greater impact in addressing societal challenges.

Key themes addressed during the convention included access to justice, gender equality, environmental sustainability, and youth empowerment. Participants highlighted the vital role of civil society in advancing inclusive development and ensuring that marginalized groups have a voice in decision-making processes.

In addition to promoting dialogue and collaboration, the convention emphasized the importance of protecting civil society space and ensuring an enabling environment for CSOs to operate freely and effectively. Discussions centered on safeguarding freedoms of expression, assembly, and association, which are fundamental to a vibrant democracy.

The EU’s support for the convention reflects its commitment to strengthening democratic institutions and promoting respect for human rights globally. By empowering civil society, the EU aims to foster a more inclusive and participatory governance framework in Uganda, where all citizens can contribute to shaping their future.

Moving forward, stakeholders expressed optimism about sustaining the momentum generated by the convention. They highlighted the need for continued dialogue, capacity building, and policy advocacy to address emerging challenges and seize opportunities for positive change.

The first-ever Civil Society Convention in Uganda concluded with a renewed commitment to collaboration and collective action. Participants departed with a shared determination to build on the outcomes of the convention and work towards a more democratic, inclusive, and rights-based society in Uganda.