
Danida Sustainable Infrastructure

Posted 1 year ago


The projects have to be sustainable, support the national development plans of the government, and contribute to better framework conditions for sustainable growth and employment in line with the Sustainable Development Goals.

Funding Procedure

In order to screen a project Danida will need a full project description, including: Information about project background Poverty reduction objectives Total project investment incl. detailed budget Type of equipment to be delivered Contract amount to be financed Financial set-up including borrower and guarantor (confirmed by a letter of intent) Organisational set-up Timetable and milestones in the project.

Fund Structure

Soft loans


Tina Kollerup Hansen Senior Vice President, Danida Sustainable Infrastructure Finance Tel: +45 33 44 12 35 Mob: +45 41 38 12 35 tkh@ifu.dk Email: Department for Green Diplomacy and Climate (GDK) GDK@um.dk


Core principles for project selection: DSIF is available in developing countries with GNI per capita below USD 3,995 (2020) and with a Danish representation. Projects must address at least one of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Projects in sector with Danish core competencies will be prioritized. All projects must be tendered. If there are sufficient Danish suppliers, the bidding will be limited to those. The minimum contract amount to be financed is DKK 100 million. The Ministry of Finance or a solid bank in the recipient country is required to act as borrower/guarantor. Projects will be assessed on sustainability criteria, including IFC performance standards and UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. Projects should be based on local demands and needs and be reflected in national development strategy and sector plans.