
Standard Chartered: Business Protection Insurance

Posted 7 months ago


Protect your business, employees and property against the unexpected with our comprehensive range of insurance plans

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Business Interruption Cover for interruption to the business that causes a loss of income, but the interruption must be as a result of an incident under the Fire & Special Perils cover. Burglary Insurance Covers against theft of property due to forcible and violent entry into premises/building. All Risks Insurance Cover for your listed business items for loss or damage, unless otherwise specifically excluded. Electronic Equipment Cover for sudden and unforeseen loss or damage to all Electronic equipment, increased cost of working and software. Political Violence And Terrorism Cover for physical loss or damage directly caused by Political Violence and Terrorism during policy period. Comprehensive Motor Insurance Comprehensive motor coverage for Motor Private and Motor Commercial(Own Goods). Work Injury Benefit Act/WIBA Plus(24 Hour Cover) Provides indemnity in respect of your liability to pay compensation to employees under the Work Injury Benefit Act. Employers Liability Indemnifies you against legal liability in respect to body injury or disease by accident sustained by your employees. Public Liability Cover for any legal liability to third parties in respect of accidental death, bodily injury and/or illness. Cash In Transit(Money Insurance) Cover for loss of money in transit and in premises, in safe and custody of authorized staff/director. Goods In Transit Insurance Cover for goods whilst in transit.