Uganda Green Enterprise Finance Accelerator

October 28, 2021 0 Comments

Do you have a green enterprise and are looking to grow your business? Apply now to join the first cycle of the Uganda Green Enterprise Finance Accelerator!

What is UGEFA?

The Uganda Green Enterprise Finance Accelerator (UGEFA) improves access to finance for green enterprises (like yours) in Uganda. UGEFA is fully funded by the European Union.

They are now accepting applications until 30 November 2021 to their enterprise support programme with loan facilitation. Apply now to benefit from:

Catalyser Support (6 months)

-Customised business development support from expert Business Advisors focused on developing growth and financial plans to successfully scale your business

-Interactive workshops with easy-to-use, practical tools – tested and proven by green entrepreneurs around the globe – to prepare and manage your growth

Loan Facilitation

-Privileged access within UGEFA pipeline to debt finance offered through our partner banks – including Equity Bank with other partner banks to be announced!

-Discounted loan of between UGX 36,700,000 – 367,000,000 to support investment needs where 33% of total loan amount is repaid directly by UGEFA, thereby reducing total principal and interest repayment amounts

1:1 business advisory within additional Accelerator Support to invest in growth and scale impacts while managing loan (for all enterprises that successfully match with a partner bank)

How to apply?

1.    Register at

2.    Receive confirmation email with login details for UGEFA Platform

3.    Login to UGEFA Platform & submit your full application by 30 November 2021

Spread the word! Please share this opportunity to join the first cycle of UGEFA enterprise support programme with fellow colleagues and friends who might benefit. Please do not hesitate to contact the team with any questions at